Thursday 30 April 2009

Day 35 An apple a day...

Day 35 An apple a day..., originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

I've been feeling a bit under the weather, so I asked Lynch if he knew anyway to help me out. This was his suggestion.
Don't get me wrong I love food as you can no doubt tell from previous days but this thing was massive.
It was lovely and juicy though. Yummy! No way could I finish it all though.

Keep living the dream.

Healthy Jim

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Day 34 Even Jim has to go!

Day 34 Even Jim has to go!, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

How embarassing...... but hey even us models have to poo. Can't believe I allowed myself to be caught on the toilet though.

Not been up to much today hence Lynch's desperation shot here.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more eventful.

Lego Jim

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Day 33 Disco Jim

Day 33 Disco Jim, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Wooo hoo, I didn't bottle it this time. I got those digits. Gonna leave it a couple of days before I call her though.

Had a great time dancing away, music was a bit loud though so I couldn't quite hear her name and her handwriting was terrible so I'm gonna have to play that one by ear. She is so hot though.

I think I might be in love. Thank you Mr Lynch!

Keep living the dream...... one day it may come true.

Disco Jim!

Monday 27 April 2009

Day 32 - Recovering

Day 32 - RecoveringL, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.



Day 32 - Part of the team

Day 32 - Part of the team, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Really tired guys

Had a long but fun day with the guys of the NE Dekstars who were taking part in the appollo flooring cup. They didn't fare too well in the results table but every single one of them played their part in a memorable day. Well done guys.

Off to sleep now. Hopfully I have beaten the 00:00 deadline.........

Keep living that dream....


Saturday 25 April 2009

Day 31 - 1 month old today

Day 31 - 1 month old today, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Yesterday it was happy hair, today its happy birthday.

Thats me 1 month old believe it or not. Lynch tells me it feels like a lot longer.
Don't worry he didn't actually use me as a candle but it does look pretty cool doesn't it!
It was still pretty warm on the back of my head though. I'm apparently spending the rest of this joyous day eating my cake! Not sure I'll be able to finish it like.

Tomorrow I am hoping to get my picture taken with the North East's only Dek or Gym hockey team, the NE dekstars as they travel to Rotherham to take part in the Appollo flooring cup.

Good luck guys

Keep living the dream

Birthday Jim

Friday 24 April 2009

Day 31 Happy new haircut!

Day 31 Happy new haircut!, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Happy haircut to me, happy haircut to me .... happy haircut dear meeeee.. happy haircut to me.

Wooo hoo my new hair arrived and now my head doesn't look like some weird ass nipple type thing! I really like it, its trendy but classic at the same time. Does a flat top every really go out of fashion? Or for that matter is it ever really in fashion.

Anyway feeling sleepy so I'm off to bed. I wonder what sort of adventure me and my hair will have tomorrow?

Keep living the dream

Lego Jim

Thursday 23 April 2009

Day 30 - Sweeet!

Day 30 - Sweeet!, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Ok so my head was removed for this shoot. Which was bad. However I was rewarded for my flexibility by being allowed to eat the rest of the shoot!!!!!

I kept on getting wrong for eating them while Lynch was still taking the photo's though. I couldn't help it the smell was driving me crazy.

There was another couple of shots where I was put into a jar of these lovely lovely sweets but that didn't go to well as I couldn't keep still.

All in all a good day.

Keep living the dream.

Artificial flavouring Jim

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Day 29 - Drying Jim

Day 29 - Drying Jim, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

This is really more of an extension of yesterdays shoot. Seeminly you have to get dried after getting washed so I was hung out to dry, literally.

Was't too bad though, the peg wasn't too tight on my feet but the blood rushing to my head was a little strange. I hope my new hair comes soon otherwise my head is gonna burn in this heat.

Anyway its all good now, here's hoping for something a little more interesting tomorrow!

Keep Living the dream.


Tuesday 21 April 2009

Day 28 - Washing Jim

Day 28 - Washing Jim, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

OMG my head is still spinning from this one.

I was told since I was now hairless I should probably take the opportunity to have a wash! This wasn't what I had in mind. A nice long soak in a bath would have been nice. But no that would be far too easy. No instead I'm put in with the dirty Laundry and washed that way. Wouldn't have been too bad if it hadn't been for the 1450RPM spin cycle.

I'm off for a lie down if I can stop walking in circles!

Keep living the dream..

Dizzy Jim

Monday 20 April 2009

Day 27 - The Prancing Jim

The Prancing Jim, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Ha ha, this was quite fun if a little scare. I was quite precariously balanced atop the car bonnet and let me tell you it was quite a drop from there.

Apparently this is supposed to represent a cross between a Ferrari (Prancing Horse) and Rolls Royce Silver Lady (Hood figure). Who the hell is he trying to kid. Its still just an Astra!

Anyway it was pretty hot out there and the more observant of you will have noticed I have had a little bit of a hair crisis. more to come on that soon!

Keep living the dream.


Sunday 19 April 2009

Day 26 - Dek Jim

Dek Jim, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

You can tell my bloody agent doesn't work weekends!

This morning I was placed on a small orange rubber puck and then that evil Lynch fella said to one of his mates...... go on Belt him!!!

Thankfully Mr King has a kinder streak than Mr Lynch so stopped just short of actually hitting me.

That said I did stick around and watched this weird game called Dek Hockey. Looks like fun. Its kind of like Ice Hockey but played in a Gym (Not Jim) and the mad people playing it run around hitting this little Orange puck around.

Anyway I'm off to change my pants!


Saturday 18 April 2009

Day 25 Brokeback Jim

Day 25 Brokeback Jim, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

I just knew it. I knew he was being too nice.
Got up this morning and he said he recreate a famous scene from a movie. So out I go to the garden and I see a tent. I think ok, must be Indiana Jones or something cool like that.
So I pop my head in the tent.... and well I can't tell you what I saw it was just too disgusting. So I ran away from the campest lego man you have every seen. I have no idea what he had planned but I wasn't sticking around to find out. I really need to speak to that Agent again.

If you see that other guy and he asks for me, you've never met me right?

Keep living the dream

Hiding Jim (shhhhhhhhhhhh)

Friday 17 April 2009

Day 24 - Banged up

Day 24 - Banged up, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Ok so it would seem someone has taken offence to my comments regarding my co model yesterday and reported me to the ye olde lego sheriff. Hence this morning I was locked up for 2 hours to try and teach me some manners.

I also need to provide a public apology so here goes.

I Lego Jim am very sorry for any offense caused by my insensitive remarks made about one of my fellow kind. Female lego people are lego people too and should not be referred to in such derogatory terms.

Keep living the dream

Apologetic Jim.

p.s. Her ass was mint though!

Thursday 16 April 2009

Day 23 Friends

Day 23 Friends, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Today was so cool. Just when I thought that Lynch fella had forgotten all about me he introduced me to someone just like me.
And wow was she hot. Well I mean you can see for yourself. Check out that skin tone.... and that ass!! She is H-O-T!
I was a total idiot though. Came over all shy and that and just did what Lynch told me to. Didn't even get her name never mind her number.
I really hope to do another shoot with her sometime and next time.... those digits are mine.

Keep living the dream

Stupid Jim!

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Day 22 Crime Jim Investigates

This was fun, if a little dirty. Lynch had spotted this car on Monday and decided that it was an ideal location for a shoot. He did however want me to get inside the car and root around but due to the fact that it was all melted plastic and scorched metal I refused....

And to be fair he agreed to go along with it. Not sure what that means is going to happen to me at a later date.

So here is my detailed report from my work experience as a Crime scene investigator.

The car crashed.....

Keep living the dream.


Tuesday 14 April 2009

Day 21 - Educational Jim

Day 21 - Educational Jim, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Well today I have been learning about the Jewish festival of passover. It has to be said its very interesting to find out about different religions and how they celebrate them.

Here you can see me eating a "Matzo" which is a form of unleavened bread which is eaten as part of the celebration.

The whole festival celebrates the Hebrews escape from enslavement in Egypt. If you want to find out some more have a read of wikipedia that well known resource for all things everything....

Keep living the dream...

Educated Jim

Monday 13 April 2009

Day 20 - Modelling

Day 20 - Modelling, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

A long long day today so it was decided to do a quick indoor low key shoot.
Only thing is when that happens Lynch always takes loads and loads of photo's. Still this is the life I chose.
You can see my right hand has come up in this one, I was going for the "hailing a taxi" look. I think I hvae it nailed!

Anyway thats me for today, another nice easy day.

Keep on LTD


Sunday 12 April 2009

Day 19 - A treetastic morning.

After yesterdays exertions it was decided to go for a walk this morning to burn of some of the calories I consumed.
So off for a walk in the woods I went and found this fantastic old tree stump. So I climbed up a bit then got a bit tired so had a bit of a sit down.

All refreshed now and ready for whatever else that taskmaster Lynch throws at me next.

Keep living the dream

Lego Jim

Saturday 11 April 2009

Day 18 - How does Jim eat his?

I like to jist diiiiiiive in!
Really right up to the waist. Its the only way to do it.

Now this one was fun. eating away at chocolate and fondant yum yum. However being so small I can only really eat a little but before I start to feel quite sick. Mrs Lynch to the rescue!
Why can't all shoots be this fun.

Living the dream big style

A very full and slightly sticky Jim.

Friday 10 April 2009

Day 17 Jim gets a bird.

Day 17 Jim gets a bird., originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

How excited was I. I was told today's photoshoot was gonna involve birds, I didn't expec the feathered variety!!!
I was thrust into this feeder full of peanuts.... which luckily it would appear I am not allergic to... and then left hanging from a tree until birds came along and started eating the nuts.
Thankfully they didn't touch my nuts so I am very much still in one piece and hoping for a more mundane or certainly enjoyable shoot tomorrow.

Struggling to live the dream


Thursday 9 April 2009

Day 16 Jim Gallagher

Day 16 Jim Gallagher, originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch.

Ha ha, what a laugh. Check me out. Jim the anarchist protestor!
Protesting in the style of one of my heroes, the great Frank Gallagher. Was a great laugh. the banner was pretty heavy but I managed to keep it up.

On a serious note, drugs aren't good kids. Remember "Just say no". Its not big and its not clever. If you do have a drug dependancy problem or suspect that one of your friends does then talk to Frank. ( or call on 0800 77 66 00)

Stay safe, stay in school and keep living the dream...

Jim Gallagher :)

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Day 15 - Jim goes Banana's

My first driving experience..... well I say driving I of course mean being driven. The world famous Herbie. How great is that. He really is such a friendly yet fiesty little bug.
So what was it like? Well it was quite late and as you can see he doesn't believe in switching on the old headlamps... so it got a bit hairy at times. Still it was fun and great to meet such a legend. He gave me some tips on keeping that pesky photographer in line.
I look forward to getting some more driving experience in the next 11 and a half months.

Keep living the dream

Lego Jim

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Day 14 Wiiiiiiiiiiii

Day 14 Wiiiiiiiiiiii
Originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch
I figured the camera adds 10lbs and with my stature thats a lot so I needed to get some exercise. So on the wii fit i went.

It was a bit weird cos it kept on saying i wasn't there.... which I obviously was. Still did quite well with the whole balance thing... pretty central on that. Didn't do so well with the moving ones though. Still I look pretty buff after just one session.

Keep living the dream

Buff Jim!

Monday 6 April 2009

Day 13 Updating the blog

Bit of a dull one today folks but this shows you the lengths I go to in order to bring you this blog everyday.

Lets just say that the inventor of the keyboard wasn't thinking of Lego men when he set about his designs. Its clambering here there and everywhere in order to find the right key then you have to jump on it then off to find the next letter.
So if you ever wonder why the posts are short. That is why.

Keep Living the dream

Blogging Jim.

Sunday 5 April 2009

Day 12 - Here we go again

I am not a happy bunny.
Back to the blody water, this time left dangling over a precipice of a fast waterfall.
I was petrified. I don't like heights and I am fast developing a fear of water. Its amazing I am still alive.
Why can't I do nice things like sit in a beer garden enjoy a drink or too, maybe go out in the sunshine have a nice round of golf or something like that..

Anyway I'm still alive, no thanks to the Lynch bloke.

Keep tuning in and keep living the dream...


Saturday 4 April 2009

Day 11 - Pervy Jim!

Day 11 - Pervy Jim!
Originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch
Being small and light has its advantages....... you can get into places that have great views without being noticed. Needless to say within seconds of this photo being taken i was swatted away and severly reprimanded.
Bah it was totally worth it! Have to say this has been a pretty good week. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Only one way to find out!

Keep living the dream

Happy Jim!

Friday 3 April 2009

Day 10 - Chillaxin!

Day 10 - Chillaxin!
Originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch
Its Friday, its miserable out, so I was expecting to go swimming with Sharks or paraglyding with crocodiles or something similar. Instead I was allowed to wander around Paul's daughters "play" house. Its great.
Nothing actually works but still its almost like a home for me. I sat down to watch some telly but then realised its just a LED in a little silver plastic box. Still better than half the crap that "they" watch. Anyway think I might just sit here for a bit.
Hopefully sometime soon I might get taken to one of these Pub places that seem so popular!

Keep livin the dream


Thursday 2 April 2009

Day 9 Jurassic Jim

Day 9 Jurassic Jim
Originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch
Well that was exciting. Thought I was just going for a bit of sunbathing in the garden but nooooooooo that would be too simple for that git Lynch. I get to the garden and am given a sword and told to fight these 2 dinosaurs.
Sod that, I'm out of there. Their teeth were the same size as my head! So I ran like a mad man... then felt a bit silly when I realised they were just plastic toys! Crazy...

Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Keep living the dream

Adventurer Jim!

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Day 8 - Daft-idea-dil

Day7 - Daft-idea-dil
Originally uploaded by Paul H Lynch
What a beautiful day today was. Put on my cap to try and stop myself getting sunburnt. We went for a walk and found all these dafodils. I just had to climb them.....

Bad idea. Turns out I suffer with hayfever. Still it was very beautiful. The flowers are a great color. Lego Jim Yellow! ha ha.

Really enjoyed this shoot and fingers crossed no sunburn....

Keep living the dream........

Lego Jim.